All in Blue
A Serene Color of Nobility
Blue is mother nature's chosen pigment of serenity. From the calm view of a crisp summer sky to a serene lake, filling your home with this shade exhibiting true nobility will provide your home with a sense of stability and peace.
New 2020
The Royalty of the Sea
In Ambience
A Small and Exquisite Fish
Although this fish is smaller than its cousins, Oranda is beautifully handcrafted to exude vitality. The fish also has many colors depending on the season and mood. Place this cute and adorable fish anywhere, and let the colors shine brightly amongst the waves of positive energy in your home.
The Snowbird Comes Flies North
Far from his home in Antarctica, Pingu is ready to soak up the warm weather. He's the perfect addition to your collection of exotic bird pieces and will stand out from the rest. Don't let his size fool you; he has a huge personality.
A Peaceful Colorful Fish
Catch a colorful piece of aquatic life and welcome this fish friend into your home! His colorful stripes mimic the waves in the ocean, and he comes in a variety of different shades for you to collect! Let him swim along the waves in your home.
Listen to this Duck's Music
Glowing with Life
The larger penguin from foreign lands in Madagascar! This penguin wants to see more of the world. He has a few companion friends for you to collect as well available in black and white, or Emperor shades. Whenever he’s happy, he glows with light, illuminating his beautiful black and white fur.
A Very Hungry Hippo
This hungry hippo is ready to eat whatever you keep in his mouth. He's the perfect party guest, and your friends and family will be delighted to see this almost cartoon version of the fierce, yet easily-tamed exotic river animal.
Small in Size but Huge in Character
Zygi is a very perceptive creature. He moves very quietly, representing vitality in ancient culture. He is also an inquisitive and observant animal, with ears that can hear for miles. Wherever you choose to rest this animal, he'll bring vitality and youth for years to come.
Find Your Favourite!
An Elegant Angel Fish
No need to add water,
These beauties will astound;
The glass is in the fish,
Not the other way around!
Our happy trio of graceful Angel Fish is an eye-catching accent for any room. They are available in small, medium and queen sizes. Mix and match to your heart’s content.
A Colorful Bird of Life
This beautiful glass rooster is perfect for your breakfast nook or kitchen. Always ensure that you are using your time wisely as this bird will serve as a constant reminder. This rooster comes in a variety of different colors for you to collect.
A New Song for Your Heart
Five little fish went out to play, In the bright blue sea one summer day. Round and round and round they go, Splashing and dashing to and fro! Our charming, light-hearted Aqua vase will put a song in your heart and a smile on your face.
The Queen Fish
A Fishy Tongue Twister,
Fast fish swish,
Glass fish swoosh,
Three fast glass fish swish and swoosh!
Try saying that three times quickly! Our happy trio of graceful Angel Fish is an eye-catching accent for any room. They are available in small, medium and queen sizes. Mix and match to your heart’s content.
A Colorful Snouted Friend
Are you looking to add some eccentric, barnyard-friendly fun to your life? This piece is expertly crafted to provide a convenient and beautiful way to store your favorite flowers and plants. This gentle pig is well-behaved, although he might “oink” from time to time.
In No Hurry
This slow and peaceful snail is in no hurry to get where he’s going. For Jack, the journey is more important than the destination. Let him sit and enjoy the sounds of your home, and collect his other friends in different colors.
Can You Keep Up with This Zippy Fish?
With those wonderfully wavy stripes mimicking the motion of the ocean, our Small Snippy is really quite zippy! Now, that’s some trick for a little fish whose job it is to just sit there. Like his Tall Snippy brother, our Snippy Small Paperweight is available in a variety of colors.
A Peaceful Lamb Resting
This quiet and peaceful lamb is taking a moment to pause and rest. Lambs and other sheep are best known for their peaceful elegance and their serene demeanor. Use this lamb as a bowl at your next party or simply enjoy his company.
The Biggest Fish in the Sea
The whale shark is known for its impressive size and its peaceful demeanor. Let him peacefully swim throughout your home and feel his presence in every room he journeys. He has a huge appetite and is ready for you to feed him.
Seriously Adorable
This bunny is ready to hop into your home in its own goofy and playful way. His big buck teeth and floppy ears enhance his cuddly and silly personality. And don’t worry; he won’t be hopping away anytime soon!
Ready to Monkey Around?
A Real Quacker
Your new duck friend loves floating along creeks and rivers, although he will feel just as at home at your place. Crafted with outstanding shades of teal, coral, and amber, this mallard is the perfect addition to your family of animals.
Set Your Spirits Free!
If you never had a pony when you were younger, here’s your chance! Our Lucky pony is perfect for every youngster, no matter how old. Lucky is available in a variety of colors. Corral them all and set your inner cowboy (or cowgirl) free. Time to get Lucky, yee haw!
Complete the Fish Family
Surround yourself with this fine finny family of graceful fish. Available in small, medium and queen size, our Angel Fish is an eye-catching accent for any room. Mix and match to your heart’s content and match the colors to fit your interior design aesthetic.