Life With Colors
Fill Your Life with Color
The Borowski family of artists knows that it’s color that really brings a piece of glass art to life. We offer a wide variety of colors to match the taste preferences of individual buyers while also offering a unique choice for everyone.
Amber Family
Inspired by Amber
The Queen Bee
This queen bee really knows how to rock stripes and polka dots. In spite of her stunning wings, this buzzy lady is positively unflappable. Her steady gaze means she’s ready to get down to buzziness should the need arise. Our Biene Table Lamp is the quintessence of cool.
Gently Floating Along
Gently floating along a warm summer breeze, if this butterfly lands near you, you're in luck! This cute little guy is ready to hang out wherever you place him, and his strong wings keep him floating along wherever the wind takes him.
Blue Family
Inspired by Blue
The Snowbird Comes Flies North
Far from his home in Antarctica, Pingu is ready to soak up the warm weather. He's the perfect addition to your collection of exotic bird pieces and will stand out from the rest. Don't let his size fool you; he has a huge personality.
Green Family
Inspired by Green
The Younger, More Charming Brother
Like his big brother, our Chameleon Small Bowl is a charmer, a real dish. He could quite possibly bowl you over with his good looks. In spite of his handsome appearance, he’s never full of himself. He’ll leave that to you.
Lime Family
Inspired by Lime
The Queen Fish
A Fishy Tongue Twister,
Fast fish swish,
Glass fish swoosh,
Three fast glass fish swish and swoosh!
Try saying that three times quickly! Our happy trio of graceful Angel Fish is an eye-catching accent for any room. They are available in small, medium and queen sizes. Mix and match to your heart’s content.
Olive Family
Inspired by Olive
The Night Flyer
Guided by his internal sonar, this bat has picked your home to roost for the night. He enjoys going out at night to catch insects and is known to bring happiness to all. Cherish his forever and collect all of his companions.
Light Up Your Life with This Fluffy Bird
Some may call him fat— we think that his feathers are just a little fluffy. The built-in lamp lets you truly experience the wonderful stripes and colors of this bird's coat. He doesn't squawk much, and he surely won't fly away, perfectly happy wherever he rests.
Orange Family
Inspired by Orange
Red Family
Inspired by Red
A Peaceful Lamb Resting
This quiet and peaceful lamb is taking a moment to pause and rest. Lambs and other sheep are best known for their peaceful elegance and their serene demeanor. Use this lamb as a bowl at your next party or simply enjoy his company.
Rose Family
Inspired by Rose
A Peaceful Lamb Resting
This quiet and peaceful lamb is taking a moment to pause and rest. Lambs and other sheep are best known for their peaceful elegance and their serene demeanor. Use this lamb as a bowl at your next party or simply enjoy his company.